
VHDL stands for Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Design Language. No, I’m not kidding. Despite being a mouthful, the language is used by engineers to prototype and describe industrial digital logic.

This document started as a copy of living notes for the CEG3155 course I was taking, Digital Systems II. It lives on as I implement MIPS processors in CEG3156, Computer System Design.

The two primary types of VHDL logic the course deals with (and I deal with within this document) are called concurrent and sequential, where concurrent logic obviously runs concurrently, and sequential logic runs sequentially within process statements.


A Basic VHDL Program

Let’s dive right in with a full example. Here is an implementation for a decoder with an enable bit. Note the two primary sections of the program: entity, and architecture.

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity decoder_2x4b is
    a, b, en : in std_logic;
    d : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
end decoder_2x4b;

architecture structural of decoder_2x4b is
  d <= "0000" when (en='0') else
    "0001" when (a='0' and b='0') else
    "0010" when (a='0' and b='1') else
    "0100" when (a='1' and b='0') else
    "1000" when (a='1' and b='1');
end structural;

The first thing that our program requires is the standard IEEE 1164 libraries. These should always be present at the top of your programs to use constructs like std_logic.

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

After importing libraries, we describe our entity by providing the inputs and outputs. Here, a, b, and en are of type std_logic, a simple binary operator that can hold 0 or 1. Our output is a std_logic_vector, which is an array of std_logic objects. The notation 3 downto 0 will create four output bits.

entity decoder_enable is
    a, b, en : in std_logic;
    d : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
end decoder_enable;

After describing our entity, we describe the internals of the entity with an architecture block. The output d is written to with the arrow operator <=, and using when and else statements. The first condition that is true will be written to the output d.

architecture structural of decoder_2x4b is
  d <= "0000" when (en='0') else
    "0001" when (a='0' and b='0') else
    "0010" when (a='0' and b='1') else
    "0100" when (a='1' and b='0') else
    "1000" when (a='1' and b='1');
end structural;

This logic is technically concurrent. Each assignment (<=) will run simultaneously when the signal reaches the component. Note that only a single entity can be defined per VHDL file.

Internal Signals

Signals can be used to redirect logic within a component. Inputs cannot be written to, and outputs cannot be used for input to other systems, so signals are used to ferry internal outputs to internal inputs.

--- Assume w, x, y, z are used as inputs.
architecture arch of and_4 is
  signal a, b : std_logic;

    a <= w and x;
    b <= y and z;
    output <= a and b;
end arch;

Inclusion of Components

Large digital systems can be implemented by combining large amounts of components defined in other VHDL files. We accomplish this with internal signals and component statements.

For instance, a trivial NAND component with one input and output can be defined in its own VHDL file, like so:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity nand is
    x, y : in std_logic;
    z : out std_logic
end decoder_enable;

architecture nand_arch of nand is
  y <= not (x and y);
end nand_arch;

If you were to use this in another VHDL architecture, you would first have to place nand.vhdl in the same directory, then you could write an architecture like the following:

architecture sample_arch of big_component is
  signal H : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

  component NAND
      x, y : in std_logic;
      z : out std_logic
  end component;

    L0: NAND(
        x => SW(0),
        y => SW(1),
        z => H

    LEDR(0) <= H;
end sample_arch;

A Complete Example

Here, we use the previously created decoder with file-name decoder_2x4b.vhd to create a complete, deployable example that uses the switches, 7-segment displays, and buttons on the Altera DE-1 Cyclone II EP2C20F484C7N. Our example will utilize these three files:

  1. top.vhd
  2. decoder_2x4b.vhd
  3. encoder_7seg.vhd

All we are going to do is connect our decoder to a set of switches and lights. When programming for upload on an Altera board, a pin assignment file can be used to easily access the following pins:

  1. SW, a set of switches.
  2. KEY, a set of push-buttons.
  3. HEX#, a collection of seven-segment displays.
  4. LEDG, a set of green LEDs over the push-buttons.
  5. LEDR, a set of red LEDs over the switches.

Referring to the section on component inclusion, we can connect our decoder inputs to two switches, and the outputs to four green LEDs.

DECODER0 : decoder_2x4b port map(
  a => SW(1),
  b => SW(0),
  en => '1',
  d => LEDG(3 downto 0)

At this point, after adding inputs and outputs (Quartus will automatically map inputs with mappings to the correct pins,) your top.vhd should appear like so:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity top is
    SW : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
    KEY : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    LEDR : out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
    LEDG : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end top;

architecture structural of top is

  component decoder_2x4b is
    a, b, en : in std_logic;
    d : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
  end component;


  LEDR <= SW;

  DECODER0 : decoder_2x4b port map(
    a => SW(1),
    b => SW(0),
    en => '1',
    d => LEDG(3 downto 0)

end structural;

Now we can use physical switches to test our decoder!

Seven Segment
Seven Segment

In addition to this, add the following component as encoder_7seg.vhd to your project to make use of the seven-segment displays:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity encoder_7seg is
    word_in : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    hex_out : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0)
end encoder_7seg;

architecture structural of encoder_7seg is
  with word_in select hex_out <=
    "1000000" when x"0",
    "1111001" when x"1",
    "0100100" when x"2",
    "0110000" when x"3",
    "0011001" when x"4",
    "0010010" when x"5",
    "0000010" when x"6",
    "1111000" when x"7",
    "0000000" when x"8",
    "0010000" when x"9",
    "0001000" when x"A",
    "0000011" when x"B",
    "1000110" when x"C",
    "0100001" when x"D",
    "0000110" when x"E",
    "0001110" when x"F",
    "1111111" when others;

end structural;

Looking back at the code, adding this component to our top file, and connecting each HEX component to an input and HEX output yields the following file:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity top is
    SW : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
    KEY : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    HEX0, HEX1, HEX2, HEX3: out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
    LEDR : out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
    LEDG : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end top;

architecture structural of top is

  component decoder_2x4b is
    a, b, en : in std_logic;
    d : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
  end component;

  component encoder_7seg is
      word_in : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
      hex_out : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0)
  end component;


  LEDR <= SW;

  DECODER0 : decoder_2x4b port map(
    a => SW(1),
    b => SW(0),
    en => '1',
    d => LEDG(3 downto 0)

  HEXd3 : encoder_7seg port map(
    word_in => SW(9 downto 6),
    hex_out => HEX3

  HEXd2 : encoder_7seg port map(
    word_in => SW(5 downto 2),
    hex_out => HEX2

  HEXd1 : encoder_7seg port map(
    word_in => x"0",
    hex_out => HEX1

  HEXd0 : encoder_7seg port map(
    word_in => KEY,
    hex_out => HEX0

end structural;

Our board can now:

  1. Decode switches 1 and 0 out to the first four green LEDs.
  2. Display switches 9-6 and 5-2 as HEX characters on the display.
  3. Display keys 3-0 as a HEX character on HEX0.

Seven Segment
Seven Segment

Now we can continue into advanced topics with good general knowledge of how to create and run a simple VHDL program on a physical board. A complete copy of the source code, including qpf project file and pin assignment file, can be found on GitHub at Projects/ vhdl/ cyclone_II_proof_of_concept

Concurrent/Structural VHDL

Concurrent statements are used to model real systems. For instance, a D Flip Flop can be modeled in structural style:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity register_1 is
    input, enable, clock, reset : in std_logic;
    output : out std_logic
end register_1;

architecture structural of register_1 is

  output <= '0' when (reset = '1') else
        input when ( rising_edge(clock) and enable = '1');

end structural;

Component Simulation
Component Simulation

For an architecture to be considered as structural, process statements cannot be used within the body of the primary architecture.

Sequential/Behavioural VHDL

Process statements can be used to define logic with a familiar, imperative style. It is fine for creating test benches, but should not be used for modeling components which will be made into hardware.

Finite State Machines