
  1. 2024·05·20    The Esoteric Magnificence of Org
  2. 2023·12·23    You Can't Automate What You Don't Understand
  3. 2023·02·03    One Billion Readers for 23¢ a Month
  4. 2023·02·02    Perfected Image Rendering in Hugo
  5. 2022·12·12    Phoenix 1.2.5 on Windows
  6. 2022·10·24    Phoenix First Look
  7. 2022·10·11    Crippled by Heroku No More!
  8. 2022·10·07    Homemade Apple Pie
  9. 2022·09·15    Raspberry Pi Pico W - Getting Started
  10. 2022·04·21    Tiny Telegram Bot in Racket
  11. 2022·03·25    Democracy Needs a V2: Send Feedback!
  12. 2022·01·27    A Quarter Century
  13. 2021·06·18    A Year at Wise Assistant
  14. 2021·06·17    Generating Article Thumbnails
  15. 2021·03·20    Building the Democracy Web App & Student Elections 2021
  16. 2021·03·20    Replit View Counter
  17. 2021·02·05    Tone Analysis Workshop
  18. 2020·11·07    Semantic Release
  19. 2020·08·05    Userscripts
  20. 2020·01·14    Paper over Keyboard
  21. 2020·01·11    MSP430 Timer Module
  22. 2019·12·04    Commuting Through Fog
  23. 2019·10·13    Notes on VHDL
  24. 2019·10·11    Passing Structs in C++
  25. 2019·10·09    Notes on HC12 Assembly
  26. 2019·08·11    IBM Extreme Blue
  27. 2019·07·10    The 2018 MacBook Pro Keyboard
  28. 2019·07·10    The Zen of Vim
  29. 2019·07·08    Film Review: Equilibrium
  30. 2019·07·08    The Case for Digital Minimalism
  31. 2019·05·20    My Personal Journaling System
  32. 2019·03·28    Happiness is a Cool Breeze
  33. 2018·12·27    Accessing Git Repos with SSH
  34. 2018·12·23    Last Week at MNP
  35. 2018·07·21    Xalgorithms Development on GNU/Linux
  36. 2018·07·07    Calligraphy with Inkscape
  37. 2018·06·24    Windows Mixed Reality
  38. 2018·05·15    Lunch with Richard Stallman
  39. 2018·04·28    Hard Knocks
  40. 2018·03·30    Build a Personal Website in an Afternoon
  41. 2018·02·19    Attending UOttaHack 2018
  42. 2017·12·29    VIM For The Just-In-Time Crowd
  43. 2017·12·23    Life And How To Live It
  44. 2017·06·20    Bike Crash

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